Tag Archives: iconography
A Balm To Heal All Wounds
“Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?” (Jeremiah 8:22) Jeremiah’s plaintive words express the fundamental lament of the human heart: In times of tragedy and sadness, where is God in this moment? Has He abandoned us? While in the passage from Jeremiah the Balm of Gilead is used as a metaphor about […]
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Also tagged Balm of Gilead, history of medicine, Leonardo Fioravanti, Renaissance, surgery, war, wounds
The Iconography of Scientific Discovery in the Renaissance (Part I)
The Renaissance has long been regarded as the great age of scientific discovery, the beginning of the Scientific Revolution. The repudiation of the received wisdom of the ancients, the rejection of book learning in favor of observation and experiment, and the receptivity to novelty: These were the hallmarks of the origins of modern science. All […]
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Also tagged curiosity, discovery, exploration, Francis Bacon, history of science, navigation, Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, Spain